A Week in San Ignacio, Belize

Touching down in Belize City, Belize, we embarked on our Belize journey which would be filled with excitement and exploration. Renting a car to traverse the jungle terrain, we quickly realized that Belize’s rental cars were a bit different from what we were accustomed to in the U.S. Despite their slightly rough exterior, we were eager to kickstart our Belizean adventure in the jungles of San Ignacio, seeking out thrilling experiences and unforgettable moments.

Day 1: Arrival and Jungle Vibes

After picking up groceries to fuel our upcoming adventures, we arrived at our accommodation in San Ignacio as the evening set in. Settling into our surroundings, we couldn’t help but marvel at the sounds of howler monkeys echoing through the jungle, evoking a sense of being in our very own Jurassic Park.

Cahal Pech Ruins

Day 2: Zip Lining and Cave Tubing

We started the day exploring Cahal Pech Ruins before fueling up with a delicious breakfast at KO-OX-HAN-NAH. We embarked on one of the most exhilarating experiences of our trip: zip lining and cave tubing. Zip lining through the jungle canopy fulfilled a long-held bucket list item, offering breathtaking views and an adrenaline rush like no other. After a satisfying lunch break, we trekked to the cave tubing starting point, where the vibrant blue waters beckoned us into the depths of the cave. Exploring stalagmites, stalactites, and even indulging in a bit of cliff jumping, the cave tubing adventure left us in awe of Belize’s natural wonders. If your heading to San Ignacio, Belize I recommend doing the tour we did! You can click here to reserve it yourself.

Cave Tubing in Belize

Day 3: Rest and Rejuvenation

Taking a well-deserved break, we spent the day relaxing on the balcony of our accommodation, soaking in the tranquil ambiance of San Ignacio. Amidst the lush greenery and distant jungle sounds, we found the perfect opportunity to catch up on work and simply unwind.

Day 4: Exploring the ATM Cave

Venturing deeper into Belize’s natural wonders, we embarked on the ATM cave tour, a truly remarkable experience. Hiking to the cave entrance, we were greeted by a sight of unparalleled beauty. Spelunking through the cave’s dark passages, we marveled at ancient artifacts and the remnants of Mayan sacrifices, a poignant reminder of Belize’s rich history. There are no cameras or phones allowed but highly recommend doing this tour and experiencing it for yourself, click here to reserve your spot.

Day 5: Pontoon River Cruise

Embracing the serenity of the jungle, we embarked on a pontoon river cruise, immersing ourselves in the beauty of Belize’s waterways. Drifting along the river, we savored moments of tranquility and marveled at the lush landscapes that surrounded us. We also got to go hike back to this gorgeous waterfall and swim in the waters. It was an incredible experience and I recommend booking your chance to experience it by clicking here.

Pontoon River Cruise in San Ignacio, Belize

Day 6: Packing Up and Heading to San Pedro

As our time in San Ignacio drew to a close, we spent the day in Xunatunich Ruins before packing up and preparing for the next leg of our journey. Returning our rental car in Belize City, we eagerly anticipated the coastal charms awaiting us in San Pedro.

Xunatunich Ruins in Belize

Final Thoughts

Our week in San Ignacio was a whirlwind of adventure, relaxation, and unforgettable experiences. From soaring through the jungle canopy to delving into ancient caves, each day brought new discoveries and lasting memories. As we bid farewell to San Ignacio and looked ahead to our next destination, we carried with us the spirit of Belize’s wild beauty and untamed allure.

If your looking at exploring Belize and would like to work with a travel advisor who has been there and explored it themselves, I would love to help assist you! Please fill out my trip request form here and I will be in contact with you. 

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